Room for Ex­cel­lence.

No mat­ter whe­ther you are a la­wy­er, a trai­nee la­wy­er or a pa­ra-le­gal, if you meet the re­qui­re­ments we will en­su­re you en­joy tail­wind…

If you join the team at LE­BUHN & PUCH­TA, you will go right in­to the ac­tion. In­itia­ti­ve counts. We will help you ta­ke on and hand­le re­spon­si­bi­li­ty. For we know that suc­cess is in­spi­ring.

We app­re­cia­te your per­so­nal in­itia­ti­ve and sup­port your de­si­re to as­su­me re­spon­si­bi­li­ty. For we are awa­re that suc­cess is in­spi­ring and al­so opens per­spec­ti­ves.

Re­spect for in­di­vi­dua­li­ty and the search for cus­to­mi­sed so­lu­ti­ons - this ap­pli­es not on­ly towards our cli­ents but al­so towards our em­ployees.

Should a pro­blem ari­se at home, we will find a so­lu­ti­on. For we know that the­re is a pri­va­te si­de to per­for­mance at work!!

Sea View and Mo­re.

It is not just the view from our of­fices that is uni­que. We sup­port your wish to ob­tain fur­ther pro­fes­sio­nal qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons and to pur­sue fur­ther trai­ning. We of­fer in­ter­nal trai­ning ses­si­ons and work­shops on re­le­vant spe­cia­list the­mes as part of the L&P Aca­de­my.

Your Ex­cel­lence:

If you share our vi­si­on and would li­ke to ap­p­ly for a po­si­ti­on at LE­BUHN & PUCH­TA, plea­se wri­te to us right he­re, in­clu­ding by email, at­ta­ching your CV and re­le­vant sup­port­ing do­cu­ments. We will hap­pi­ly con­sider your ap­pli­ca­ti­on and get in cont­act wi­th you.