Sven Lu­ther


+49 40 - 37 47 78 - 29

Sven Lu­ther ad­vi­ses na­tio­nal and in­ter­na­tio­nal com­pa­nies in all are­as of com­mer­cial law, wi­th a fo­cus on dis­pu­tes be­fo­re sta­te courts and ar­bi­tra­ti­on tri­bu­nals.

Sven Lu­ther’s main are­as of ex­per­ti­se in­clude post-M&A dis­pu­tes, di­rec­tors’ and of­fi­cers’ lia­bi­li­ty and the en­ti­re spec­trum of com­mer­cial law.

In ad­di­ti­on, Sven ad­vi­ses and re­pres­ents com­pa­nies in out-of-court dis­pu­te re­so­lu­ti­on, con­tract re­view and nego­tia­ti­on mat­ters - in par­ti­cu­lar in the are­as of me­cha­ni­cal and plant en­gi­nee­ring, cross-bor­der long-term sup­p­ly re­la­ti­onships and pro­ject-re­la­ted ser­vices and con­sul­ting.

Be­fo­re joi­ning LE­BUHN & PUCH­TA, Sven work­ed for a re­now­ned bou­tique law firm in Ham­burg spe­cia­li­zing in ar­bi­tra­ti­on and li­ti­ga­ti­on.

  • Stu­dies in Müns­ter
  • Re­se­arch as­sistant at the Uni­ver­si­tät Kon­stanz
  • Le­gal trai­nee­ship at the Han­sea­tic Hig­her Re­gio­nal Court in Ham­burg (wi­th po­si­ti­ons at a ma­jor in­ter­na­tio­nal law firm in the com­mer­cial de­part­ment and at LE­BUHN & PUCH­TA)
  • Ad­mit­ted to the Ger­man bar in 2021
  • La­wy­er in a bou­tique law firm spe­cia­li­zing in ar­bi­tra­ti­on and li­ti­ga­ti­on 2021-2023
  • Joi­n­ed LE­BUHN & PUCH­TA in 2023
  • Straf­ba­re Ge­schäf­te des Lan­des Hes­sen? in: Frank­fur­ter All­ge­mei­ne Zei­tung (F.A.Z.) Nr. 201 vom 30. Au­gust 2018, S. 6 (ge­mein­sam mit Dr. Chris­ti­an Brand)