Dr. Klaus Ramming

La­wy­er, Sala­ry Part­ner,

Mas­ter Ma­ri­ner

+49 40 374778 - 45

Klaus is a la­wy­er and qua­li­fied nau­ti­cal en­gi­neer wi­th a cer­ti­fi­ca­te of com­pe­tence as a mas­ter of deep-sea ves­sels of any si­ze and ty­pe, and a qua­li­fied in­dus­tri­al en­gi­neer for the ma­ri­ti­me sec­tor. He ad­vi­ses and re­pres­ents our cli­ents in ca­ses span­ning the full spec­trum of ma­ri­ti­me law, in­land wa­ter­way law and car­ria­ge of goods laws. He ap­pears be­fo­re the or­di­na­ry courts of law and ar­bi­tra­ti­on tri­bu­nals. Klaus’s area of spe­cia­lism is thus broad and in­cludes ca­ses in­vol­ving the lia­bi­li­ty of the shipow­ner, col­li­si­ons, sal­va­ge and ge­ne­ral avera­ge, the rights of ma­ri­ti­me li­en hol­ders, ac­ci­dent lia­bi­li­ty for pas­sen­ger in­ju­ries, the li­mi­ta­ti­on of lia­bi­li­ty for ma­ri­ti­me claims. He al­so has spe­cia­list know­ledge of all is­sues re­la­ting to the law on the car­ria­ge of goods, and be it un­der bills of la­ding, char­ter par­ties, con­tracts of af­freight­ment and con­tracts of car­ria­ge by road, rail­way and air in­clu­ding mul­ti-mo­dal trans­port. This in­cludes car­ria­ge co­ver­ed by a bill of la­ding, con­sign­ment bill or mul­ti-mo­dal con­sign­ment bill. Klaus has par­ti­cu­lar ex­pe­ri­ence of ship ar­rests. His ex­per­ti­se ex­tends to hull, P&I and car­go insu­rance, ship ma­nage­ment, ship­buil­ding con­tracts as well as in­ter­na­tio­nal sa­le of goods in­clu­ding ques­ti­ons of se­cu­ri­ty for the ven­dor in ca­se of the buyer’s in­sol­ven­cy, as well as purcha­se pri­ce pay­ment me­cha­nisms in ex­ch­an­ge for do­cu­ments.

He is one of the chair­per­sons of the Ger­man Ma­ri­ti­me Law As­so­cia­ti­on (DVIS), ti­tu­la­ry mem­ber of CMI and aut­hor of num­e­rous ar­tic­les on Ger­man ma­ri­ti­me law and trans­port law. Klaus has writ­ten two stan­dard text­books on the law of in­land wa­ter­ways ship­ping and on mul­ti­mo­dal trans­port law. He is the aut­hor of the com­men­ta­ry on pro­vi­si­ons and clau­ses on trans­port insu­rance law in the stan­dard work by Staudinger/​Halm/​Wendt on insu­rance law. He was clo­se­ly in­vol­ved in the draf­ting of the new Ger­man ma­ri­ti­me law that en­te­red in­to force in April 2013. Dr. Ramming re­gu­lar­ly lec­tures on ma­ri­ti­me law at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ham­burg. He is al­so working on a new edi­ti­on of “Schaps/​Abraham”, one of the most high­ly re­gard­ed text­books on Ger­man ma­ri­ti­me law, and on parts of the ma­jor on­line com­men­ta­ry of the Ger­man Com­mer­cial Code (HGB) pu­blished by Beck Ver­lag. Dr. Ramming is one of the edi­tors of the ma­ga­zi­ne “Recht der Trans­port­wirt­schaft” (Law of the Trans­port In­dus­try”).

  • Hol­der of Mas­ter’s Li­cence for un­li­mi­t­ed world wi­de trade
  • Uni­ver­si­ty of Ham­burg - doc­to­ral the­sis in 2000
  • Ad­mit­ted to the Ger­man bar in 1995
  • Joi­n­ed the firm in 1995
  • Speed and Con­sump­ti­on claims (doc­to­ral the­sis)
  • Ham­bur­ger Hand­buch des Bin­nen­schiff­fahrts­fracht­rechts (2009) (Hand­book on Con­tracts of Car­ria­ge on In­land Wa­ter­ways, 2009)
  • Pu­bli­ca­ti­on in Ham­bur­ger Hand­buch on Mul­ti­mo­dal Trans­port
  • Num­e­rous pu­bli­ca­ti­ons on ship­ping and other mat­ters
  • Co-edi­tor of one of the main Ger­man jour­nals on ma­ri­ti­me and trans­port law “Recht der Trans­port­wirt­schaft”
  • Ger­man Ma­ri­ti­me Ar­bi­tra­ti­on As­so­cia­ti­on (GMAA)
  • Mem­ber of the Board of the Ger­man As­so­cia­ti­on for In­ter­na­tio­nal Ship­ping Law (DVIS)
  • Ti­tu­la­ry Mem­ber of CMI