Busi­ness Law ma­de in Ham­burg2024-04-18T15:51:24+02:00

One ho­ri­zon –
and the ex­pan­se of a broad per­spec­ti­ve.

To a trai­ned and shar­pe­ned eye,
a faint pos­si­bi­li­ty can be a clear so­lu­ti­on.

LE­BUHN & PUCH­TA – in­ter­na­tio­nal busi­ness law firm es­tab­lished in 1950.

We are he­re  –

be­cau­se avai­la­bi­li­ty ge­ne­ra­tes trust.
We ta­ke re­spon­si­bi­li­ty, for a pro­mi­se is bin­ding.
Our word for it: A team!

Depths of ex­pe­ri­ence –

a tail­or-ma­de care­er


curr­ent­ly of in­te­rest.

See how ship­ping keeps the world go…

Die Schiff­fahrt im Ban­ne von CO­VID 19.



Af­ter-hours emer­gen­cy re­spon­se num­ber

An in­ci­dent may oc­cur at any time. We pro­vi­de 24/7 emer­gen­cy as­sis­tance in all mat­ters of im­me­dia­te con­cern such as ship ar­rests and ma­ri­ne ca­su­al­ties. Af­ter nor­mal busi­ness hours, you can reach us by cal­ling:

+49 40 374778-99



LE­BUHN & PUCH­TA Part­ner­schaft von Rechts­an­wäl­ten und So­li­ci­tor mbB Am Sand­tor­park 2 20457 Ham­burg Ger­ma­ny

+49 40 3747780
F + 49 40 364650

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