LE­BUHN & PUCH­TA - first-class le­gal ad­vice and de­di­ca­ted li­ti­ga­ti­on work in the in­ter­na­tio­nal com­mer­ce and ship­ping me­tro­po­lis of Ham­burg.

We con­sider our­sel­ves one of the lea­ding busi­ness law firms in Ham­burg and as la­wy­ers we stri­ve to be among­st the best in our are­as of spe­cia­lism. Working wi­th our cli­ents, the trust they place in us re­flects and streng­thens this com­mit­ment.

The main fo­cus of our work lies in the fields of ma­ri­ti­me busi­ness law, cor­po­ra­te law, M&A and insu­rance law. We al­so have very sub­stan­ti­al ex­pe­ri­ence in the are­as of lo­gi­stics and trans­port (in­clu­ding avia­ti­on and in­land wa­ter­ways ship­ping), in­ter­na­tio­nal trade as well as re­ne­wa­ble en­er­gy and plant con­s­truc­tion.

LE­BUHN & PUCH­TA - from ship­ping to the full ex­pan­se of busi­ness law.

Foun­ded in 1950 as a tra­di­tio­nal law firm for the ship­ping in­dus­try and firm­ly an­cho­red sin­ce then in the ma­ri­ti­me in­dus­try, we are known th­roug­hout the world for our le­gal ex­per­ti­se in all facets and all are­as of the ship­ping in­dus­try. Ba­sed on our ma­ny de­ca­des of ex­pe­ri­ence and our ex­cel­lent net­works wi­thin the ship­ping in­dus­try and among col­le­agues th­roug­hout the world, we are fre­quent­ly in­s­truc­ted to act in com­plex, cross-bor­der mat­ters.

In ad­di­ti­on, over the ye­ars bo­th cor­po­ra­te law and insu­rance law have be­co­me fur­ther pil­lars con­tri­bu­ting to the suc­cess of LE­BUHN & PUCH­TA. No mat­ter whe­ther wi­th or wi­t­hout a ma­ri­ti­me back­ground - we ac­com­pa­ny and pro­vi­de gui­dance to our cli­ents when set­ting up com­pa­nies, in cor­po­ra­te li­ti­ga­ti­on, cor­po­ra­te house­kee­ping and in transactions/M&A. We are known for our ex­per­ti­se in insu­rance and re-insu­rance law, espe­ci­al­ly whe­re com­plex and of­ten lar­ge-sca­le co­vera­ge dis­pu­tes are con­cer­ned.

LE­BUHN & PUCH­TA ad­vi­ses in­ter­na­tio­nal cli­ents on bo­th Ger­man and Eng­lish law.

Our com­pre­hen­si­ve ex­per­ti­se in busi­ness law be­ne­fits our cli­ents th­roug­hout the world. We main­tain clo­se and en­du­ring re­la­ti­ons wi­th our cli­ents, and wi­th col­le­agues in all im­portant port ci­ties and ju­ris­dic­tions. Pro­fes­sio­nal stays ab­road and ex­ch­an­ge pro­gram­mes help us main­tain our in­ter­na­tio­nal net­works and broa­den our ex­pe­ri­ence. Ma­ny of our la­wy­ers have gai­ned ex­pe­ri­ence at co­ope­ra­ting law firms and com­pa­nies in hot­spots of the ship­ping in­dus­try and in­ter­na­tio­nal trade.

Our Qua­li­ties

Team spi­rit, the high qua­li­ty of our work, know-how, an open mind, vi­si­on and a fee­ling for the best pos­si­ble so­lu­ti­ons are so­me of the de­cisi­ve qua­li­ties that are sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly cul­ti­va­ted at our law firm.

We main­tain per­so­nal re­la­ti­ons wi­th first-class law firms at all ma­jor busi­ness lo­ca­ti­ons th­roug­hout the world. We thus en­su­re the pro­vi­si­on of over­ar­ching stra­te­gic ad­vice to our cli­ents and the best pos­si­ble re­pre­sen­ta­ti­on in li­ti­ga­ti­on, al­so in for­eign count­ries and for in­ter­na­tio­nal tran­sac­tions.

LE­BUHN & PUCH­TA has em­bo­di­ed the­se qua­li­ties ever sin­ce it was es­tab­lished. This is why we are fre­quent­ly in­s­truc­ted to act in lar­ge-sca­le, com­plex mat­ters of an in­ter­na­tio­nal na­tu­re.


LE­BUHN & PUCH­TA at­ta­ches im­portance to a high stan­dard of le­gal edu­ca­ti­on, pro­ven by ex­cel­lent exam re­sults, a doc­to­ra­te and in­ter­na­tio­nal ex­pe­ri­ence, as well as to a high stan­dard of per­so­nal pro­fes­sio­nal com­mit­ment. The ma­jo­ri­ty of our la­wy­ers have a for­eign uni­ver­si­ty de­gree or pro­fes­sio­nal ex­pe­ri­ence ob­tai­ned ab­road, se­ve­ral of them are ad­mit­ted to prac­ti­ce as so­li­ci­tors in Eng­land and Wales.

We fur­ther enhan­ce the qua­li­ty of our ser­vices by pro­vi­ding fur­ther trai­ning to our peo­p­le and en­cou­ra­ging the re­gu­lar ex­ch­an­ge of know-how wi­thin and across teams.