Re­ne­wa­ble En­er­gy2021-04-15T10:37:46+02:00

Re­ne­wa­ble En­er­gies

Safe­ly sha­ping the
eco­lo­gi­cal fu­ture.

LE­BUHN & PUCH­TA ad­vi­ses busi­nesses on le­gal is­sues in the field of re­ne­wa­ble en­er­gy and wi­th re­gard to off­shore pro­jects in ca­ses in­vol­ving ma­ri­ne ca­su­al­ties, other pro­per­ty and en­vi­ron­men­tal da­ma­ge or war­ran­ty is­sues.

In the off­shore field, we have par­ti­cu­lar ex­per­ti­se of the le­gal is­sues ari­sing in con­nec­tion wi­th the in­stal­la­ti­on and ope­ra­ti­on (O&M) of wind tur­bi­ne ge­ne­ra­tors. Our work al­so ex­tends to pho­to­vol­taic and onshore wind farms, bio­mass-en­er­gy and sto­rage sys­tems. Our firm has par­ti­cu­lar know­ledge and ex­pe­ri­ence of the plan­ning and in­vest­ment risks re­la­ted to off­shore fa­ci­li­ties and wi­th re­gard to is­sues of en­vi­ron­men­tal and pro­duct lia­bi­li­ty.

We ad­vi­se busi­nesses on le­gal is­sues re­la­ting to ship­buil­ding and the con­s­truc­tion of ma­ri­ne and off­shore fa­ci­li­ties, trans­for­mer sub­sta­ti­ons and sub­ma­ri­ne ca­ble-lay­ing, or to me­cha­ni­cal en­gi­nee­ring. This strong fo­cus en­ables us to ad­vi­se our cli­ents th­roug­hout off­shore or ne­ar-shore wind farm plan­ning, con­s­truc­tion and ope­ra­ti­on pha­ses, in­clu­ding the con­trol­ling and hand­ling of de­fi­ci­en­ci­es in per­for­mance. For ma­ny ye­ars our cli­ents have be­ne­fi­ted in the­se are­as from our ex­ten­si­ve know­ledge of the in­dus­try as well as from our spe­cia­list le­gal and tech­ni­cal know­ledge.

Whe­re ma­ri­ti­me con­s­truc­tion law dis­pu­tes ari­se, for ex­am­p­le in­vol­ving phy­si­cal de­fects, war­ran­ty is­sues, de­lay or im­pe­di­ments to de­li­very, we re­pre­sent our cli­ents be­fo­re the or­di­na­ry courts of law and in bo­th na­tio­nal and in­ter­na­tio­nal ar­bi­tra­ti­on pro­cee­dings. Our la­wy­ers are fre­quent­ly cal­led upon to act in ar­bi­tra­ti­on pro­cee­dings as ar­bi­tra­tors, ad­ju­di­ca­tors, or le­gal ex­perts.

Our ex­per­ti­se al­so ex­tends to the struc­tu­ring of joint ven­tures and equi­ty-fun­ded in­vest­ment ve­hic­les.

  • We have ad­vi­sed a cli­ent in the nego­tia­ti­on of a ship buil­ding con­tract for a pro­to­ty­pe off­shore wind tur­bi­ne in­stal­la­ti­on ves­sel de­si­gned to car­ry and in­stall ge­ne­ra­tors wi­th a spe­ci­fic ty­pe of foun­da­ti­on. The de­sign in­vol­ved ma­ny no­vel tech­ni­cal so­lu­ti­ons and the con­tract struc­tu­re in­cluded com­plex ow­ner­ship and se­cu­ri­ty ar­ran­ge­ments.
  • We have ad­vi­sed a cli­ent in con­nec­tion wi­th its char­te­ring in of a spe­cial pur­po­se wind tur­bi­ne in­stal­la­ti­on ves­sel to com­ple­te the in­stal­la­ti­on of an off­shore wind farm. This in­vol­ved con­side­ring the in­ter-re­la­ti­onship wi­th the ship­buil­ding con­tract for the ves­sel, due to the fact that the ves­sel was to be de­li­ver­ed in­to the char­ter as a new­buil­ding, and al­so spe­ci­fic risks af­fec­ting the com­ple­ti­on of the wind farm as a pro­ject.
  • We have ad­vi­sed a cli­ent in re­la­ti­on to plan­ning is­sues for the lay­ing of sub­ma­ri­ne power ca­bles in the Ger­man North Sea for off­shore wind farms.
  • We have ad­vi­sed a cli­ent in the nego­tia­ti­on, as part of a ten­der pro­cess, of char­ters for spe­cial ves­sels such as ac­com­mo­da­ti­on ves­sels used in the con­s­truc­tion of off-shore wind­farms.
  • We have ad­vi­sed a cli­ent in con­nec­tion wi­th the se­cu­ring of ves­sel ca­pa­ci­ty for a con­ti­nuous en­vi­ron­men­tal mo­ni­to­ring pro­gram­me for a group of wind farms.
  • We have ac­ted for a so­lar pa­nel ma­nu­fac­tu­rer in de­fen­ding high va­lue war­ran­ty claims on ac­count of al­le­gedly de­fec­ti­ve so­lar pa­nels and con­duc­ting re­cour­se ac­tions for the cli­ent against sub-con­trac­tors.
  • We have ad­vi­sed and re­pre­sen­ted ma­jor ma­nu­fac­tu­r­ers of wind tur­bi­nes in con­nec­tion wi­th ill-foun­ded war­ran­ty and da­ma­ges claims by ope­ra­ting com­pa­nies.
  • We have ad­vi­sed and re­pre­sen­ted ma­jor sup­pli­ers to off­shore con­s­truc­tion pro­jects re­gar­ding the in­stal­la­ti­on of wind tur­bi­nes and other ty­pes of off­shore fa­ci­li­ties.

LE­BUHN & PUCH­TA is a mem­ber of the wab - Wind En­er­gy Agen­cy Bremerhaven/​Bremen e.V. as well as the Clus­ter Re­ne­wa­ble En­er­gies Ham­burg.

Al­re­a­dy in 2012 we we­re award­ed the title “Re­ne­wa­ble En­er­gy Law Firm of the Year in Ger­ma­ny” by Cor­po­ra­te Intl.

Ever­y­thing curr­ent­ly of in­te­rest


Af­ter-hours emer­gen­cy re­spon­se num­ber

An in­ci­dent may oc­cur at any time. We pro­vi­de 24/7 emer­gen­cy as­sis­tance in all mat­ters of im­me­dia­te con­cern such as ship ar­rests and ma­ri­ne ca­su­al­ties. Af­ter nor­mal busi­ness hours, you can reach us by cal­ling:

+49 40 374778-99



LE­BUHN & PUCH­TA Part­ner­schaft von Rechts­an­wäl­ten und So­li­ci­tor mbB Am Sand­tor­park 2 20457 Ham­burg Ger­ma­ny

+49 40 3747780
F + 49 40 364650

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