
20 ye­ars of wab

LE­BUHN & PUCH­TA con­gra­tu­la­tes wab for their 20th an­ni­ver­sa­ry as the na­ti­on­wi­de cont­act part­ner for the off­shore wind in­dus­try in Ger­ma­ny. At the sa­me time, this is 15 ye­ars of our own le­gal ex­per­ti­se in off­shore wind pro­jects. Wi­th our fo­cus on ad­vi­sing in re­la­ti­on to char­ter and buil­ding of off­shore wind sup­p­ly and con­s­truc­tion ves­sels, pro­ject and buil­ding con­tracts wi­th par­ti­cu­lar fo­cus on ma­ri­ti­me aspects and all OWP re­la­ted da­ma­ges and claims hand­ling, LE­BUHN & PUCH­TA is a clo­se part­ner to wab and the off­shore wind in­dus­try th­roug­hout.