Dr. Mar­cel Pe­ters

La­wy­er, Se­ni­or As­so­cia­te

+49 40 - 37 47 78 - 64

Dr. Mar­cel Pe­ters ad­vi­ses com­pa­nies in the ma­ri­ti­me in­dus­try and other sec­tors as well as their ow­ners across the en­ti­re field of busi­ness law. The fo­cus of his work is on com­mer­cial and cor­po­ra­te law. Mar­cel re­pres­ents the in­te­rests of our cli­ents bo­th out of court and in dis­pu­tes be­fo­re sta­te courts and ar­bi­tra­ti­on tri­bu­nals.

Be­fo­re joi­ning LE­BUHN & PUCH­TA, Mar­cel gai­ned ex­pe­ri­ence in­clu­ding as a re­se­arch as­sistant at one of the lea­ding in­ter­na­tio­nal com­mer­cial law firms in the fields of cor­po­ra­te, ban­king and ban­king su­per­vi­so­ry law. Mar­cel work­ed for LE­BUHN & PUCH­TA du­ring his le­gal trai­nee­ship and re­tur­ned to us upon his ad­mis­si­on to the bar.

  • Stu­dies in Müns­ter
  • Spe­cia­li­zed for­eign lan­guage trai­ning, fo­cus on “Com­mon Law” wi­th in­tern­ship at a com­mer­cial law firm in Mal­ta
  • Re­se­arch as­sistant at the In­sti­tu­te for In­ter­na­tio­nal Busi­ness Law at the WWU Müns­ter
  • Re­se­arch as­sistant at an in­ter­na­tio­nal com­mer­cial law firm in Ham­burg
  • Le­gal trai­nee­ship at the Han­sea­tic Hig­her Re­gio­nal Court in Ham­burg
  • Ad­mit­ted to the Ger­man bar in 2021
  • Joi­n­ed the firm in 2021
  • De­cla­ra­to­ry In­te­rest of the Ma­na­ging Di­rec­tor of a GmbH; De­ter­mi­na­ti­on of the In­va­li­di­ty of a Su­per­vi­so­ry Board Re­so­lu­ti­on; Re­vo­ca­ti­on of Ap­point­ment in the con­text of a Ter­mi­na­ti­on Agree­ment, Com­men­ta­ry on OLG Stutt­gart Judgment of 12.11.19 - 1 U 247/18, in: GmbHR 2020, is­sue 18, pp. 1021-1023 (tog­e­ther wi­th Dr. Ben­ja­min Wag­ner).
  • The new dis­clo­sure claims in an­ti­trust da­ma­ges law - the pit­falls are (on­ly) in the de­tails, in: KSzW 2017, 161 (tog­e­ther wi­th Da­ni­el Zie­gen­rü­cker)
  • Ger­man Ltd, PLC and LLP: Li­mi­t­ed Life Com­pa­nies? - Con­se­quen­ces of a Brexit for Pseu­do-Eng­lish Com­pa­nies wi­th Ad­mi­nis­tra­ti­ve Head­quar­ters in Ger­ma­ny, in: IPrax 2017, 49, (tog­e­ther wi­th Prof. Dr. Ge­rald Mäsch and Dr. Bet­ti­na Gaus­ing; re­vi­sed and sup­ple­men­ted ver­si­on in RPfle­ger 2017, 601)